New Shimla to ISBT Shimla Bus Timings

Buses for Inter State Bus Terminal, ISBT in short are already few and with majority of the buses running for main destinations like Sanjauli to ISBT it makes you wonder how people from faraway places can go to ISBT by travelling by bus.

In my experience, majority of the people living in New Shimla don't own private vehicles and they use public transport (usually bus because using taxi can be expensive and auto rikshas don't run in Shimla).

The buses departure for ISBT from various sectors of New Shimla starts from 05:30AM in the morning and the last bus depart at 08:20 from New Shimla.

New Shimla to ISBT Shimla Bus Timings

Now let's see bus timings of buses that depart from New Shimla for the destination ISBT Shimla.

Let me warm you first, usually the buses are almost on time but sometimes buses are late because of the traffic around (school opening and closing time) 08:00AM to 10:00AM and 02:00AM to 04:00.

It is because there are schools in New Shimla and school buses sometimes cause traffic jams because two buses cannot run on a one-way road at the same time.

Now, let us see New Shimla to ISBT bus timings:

Sr.No. Timing From To
1. 05:30 AM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
2. 06:40 AM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT
3. 08:20 AM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
4. 09:40 AM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT
5. 11:00 AM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
6. 12:20 PM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT
7. 01:40 PM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
8. 02:00 PM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT
9. 04:00 PM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
10. 05:20PM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT
11. 07:00 PM New Shimla Sec.-3 ISBT
12. 08:20 PM New Shimla Sec.-4 ISBT

Here is the table regarding bus schedule or you can say bus time table of buses from New Shimla to ISBT. If you have problem reading it or you want proof of its authenticity then you can refer to the image below.

New Shimla to ISBT Shimla Bus Timings

This is an image I captured in New Shimla Sector 2 bus stop. This is a poster of time table of buses from all sectors of New Shimla to Old Bus Stand, ISBT and Sanjauli. Anyway, the spelling of Sanjauli is written as Sanjoli in the poster but both are correct spellings.


From here you got the right time table of buses from various sectors of New Shimla to ISBT. But remember, it takes from 5 minutes to 10 minutes to reach buses from one sector to another. It sometimes take more time due to traffic jams during morning and evening. So, if you have something urgent, then it is my advice to go to B.C.S. or to the sector from where the bus departures.

From B.C.S., you can take buses for Old Bus Stand, ISBT, Sanjauli and Malyana too. B.C.S. is like a hub or mini-market of sorts where almost all types of shops and clinics are present. I will tell you about it more in another post.

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